Cayley Graphs by JuliaPoo

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Where am I?

This tiny place on the internet contains 3D plots of Cayley Graphs of over 6000 finite groups. Cayley Graphs are pretty, and this site allows one to explore many of them.

What are Cayley Graphs?

They're a visual for how elements in a group are related, where groups are sets of objects whose relationships with each other are full of symmetry. Groups are one of the most fundamental objects in Math and so appear everywhere in Math.

I'm currently working on a blog post on Cayley Graphs. Cayley Graphs are not very useful and it's usually easier to work on groups abstractly, but Cayley Graphs by themselves look really pretty. I'll update this page once that's done.

How do I use this page?

Select the group you want from the listing. You can filter the listing by keywords and the order of the group.

The graph will plot immediately, and you can rotate, zoom and pan the plot with drag, scroll and right-click-drag.

What Groups are supported?

All groups of order 2 to 500 except:

  1. Most groups of order 128, 192, 288, 320, 432, 448 and 480.
  2. All groups of order 256 and 384.

There's just too many of them.
